Sunday, February 22, 2015

The final destination of human beings

St. Augustine's conversion in the Spiritual World

The final destination of human beings

We human beings come from dust and return to dust. This is how simple our final destination is. For us, the earth is a momentary world, while the spiritual world is an eternal world. We are created in such a way that our body lives on earth, and our spirit in the spiritual world, so we live in the momentary world on earth and then proceed to the eternal world in the spiritual world. We are supposed to return to the eternal world and live with God eternally. We cannot go there with our body.

Then what do we bring with us? Only our spirit self goes to the eternal world and takes with it the values and fruits we have produced through our lives on earth. In this world, no one issues commands or provides a guide as on earth; each person is to find his own way. Just as the four seasons do not come by someone's orders, this rule has been in effect without change ever since God's creation of the universe. We take with us the standards and fruits of our lives in entirety to the eternal world. This is a heavenly principle.

Who can replace winter with spring when he dislikes winter? As we cannot stop the heavenly principle, our place in the eternal world is determined through our earthly life.

Therefore, in planning your earthly life you should be more concerned with your place in the eternal world rather than your momentary position on earth. This is the significance of our earthly life.

Life on Earth

As I have already mentioned, from birth to death human beings live in the body. We need our body only during our life on earth, and not in the eternal world. Hence, for the sake of the eternal world, on earth we should prepare for the growth of our spirit. Unlike the earthly life, there is no distinction of first and last in this world. Your accomplishments themselves will become your reality in the spiritual world. The spirit self can hardly grow after being separated from the physical self, nor can it make restitution for its wrong doings once it has left the earth.

Gypsies, because they do not know when they will leave their dwelling places, always live in temporary huts. What if Gypsies have built and decorated a house like a palace when they find themselves forced to leave? Who would be more foolish than this? Our lives on earth are similar to that of Gypsies.

It is proper that we live on earth with this kind of heart in preparation for our lives in the spiritual world. What we are not to forget is that on earth we should prepare a house for our spirit self rather than for our physical self, and that the house of our spirit self is built while we are on earth. If you only build a house for your body on earth and come to this spiritual world, you will find yourself with no shelter and thus end up as a beggar.

And there is only one sure way in which we can secure our eternal home, and this is to receive the Messiah, our True Parents, on earth and live earnestly according to their direction. Then, a palace of golden colors will be your eternal home.

Therefore, you should never fall out of the Messianic realm of living. As long as you are within this realm, although you may be covered with all sorts of filth or you may be hanging on at the end of the line, you will still be able to escape the fate of a beggar. As for myself, although I have not been able to benefit from the merit of the age, I still had an opportunity here in the spiritual world to meet the new truth and be converted. You myriad of people of faith! You Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Confucianists, and followers of other religions! I strongly wish that you transcend denominational boundaries and produce a sweet fruit in your earthly life. I wish for you that you make a good choice in your short earthly life so that you can live eternally with God in the golden nest.

Everlasting Life in the Spiritual World

We human beings live on earth for a short while and then proceed to the spiritual world for eternal life. Very few people would be content with a mediocre life on earth, and most people work hard to improve their lives as if they could live on earth forever. If such people should suddenly die someday totally unprepared, they would find no place to stay in the spiritual world and end up as beggars.

Earlier, I mentioned many times this reality of the spiritual world, and yet I want to emphasize it again now. We have an eternal world to go to, and this is the final destination of our lives. When we arrive at our final destination after a long journey, we unpack, feel relief, and settle down. But if the journey is not yet over, we will be unable to unpack or relax our mind and body. This spiritual world is the final destination of human life, a nest where we are to build our everlasting life.

But if your place of settlement and eternal home is not prepared, what are you going to do? You build your eternal house, not while you are in the spiritual world, but while you are on earth. You should plan and build while on earth a beautiful house for the spiritual world. For farmers who have toiled and sweated from spring to fall, the autumn harvest will bring them riches, and they will not go hungry over the winter. No one will be able to take their harvest away from them because it is the fruit of their hard work over the past seasons. In like manner how you live your earthly life will determine whether you have a palace or a shack in the spiritual world. There may be people who do not have even a shack or a small patch of land in the spiritual world.

Do you understand what this means? If you have lived only for your individual benefit, no one will prepare a place for you here. On earth, poor people can manage to live on charity and neighbors' help, but here, no one will pity or help you because all your heart will show even if you try to cover it in many different ways. Who can send back winter by saying, "Go away winter for I do not like you?" If you said to autumn, "I like your atmosphere and scenery, autumn, so stay with me all the time," would it really do so? No one can stop the heavenly principle. The spiritual world operates according to the heavenly principle without a fraction of error.

You people on earth! Please heed my earnest plea. Do you know about St. Augustine? Do you know about the earthly life of St. Augustine? Although I had lived on earth a life of Catholic faith as diligently as anyone could, I could not but turn myself around in the spiritual world after awakening to the Unification Principle. I have entrusted all myself to the new truth and completely emptied myself. I could only be silent before the truth.

The Unification Principle is truly life's tonic and a formula that any human being should know and follow without exception. Who is Rev. Moon, who has revealed the Unification Principle? Study him deeply. Since he is living with the same body and in the same environment as earthly people, they can judge him only through their physical eyes. I, St. Augustine, earnestly plead with you not to let the tragedy of the cross be reenacted, a tragedy caused by the failure of the Jewish people to recognize Jesus.

Here, Jesus also came to serve him as the True Parents and receive the Blessing. Earthly people! In these pages I am conveying to you the reality of the spiritual world as clearly as I can in order to help save your souls. I emphasize again and again that the Messiah to come is none other than Rev. Moon. I ask you to serve him and live by his teaching. For your eternal soul, I earnestly wish that you reform and purify your earthly life before coming here.

This is my last message, Saint'Agaustine from Heaven

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