Sunday, February 22, 2015

Saint ‘Augustine's Preface

Preface from Saint ‘Augustine from Heaven

I am St. Augustine. I would like to write this Preface today in order to communicate my confession to many people on earth and especially to people of faith. Thanks to the prayers of my mother, Monica, I was able to live with God while on earth, and here in the spiritual world, I have received the amazing divine grace of encountering the new truth and living with God in a place of joy. Now, in order to repay this grace, I am writing this piece. 

Perhaps this writing will provoke many doubts and much curiosity in you. As you know, I am no more living on earth, and with the help of one woman, I would like to convey to you the reality of the spiritual world. I, Augustine, have changed myself completely in the spiritual world after awakening to the Unification Principle. 

My conversion required many struggles and prayers, but you have the benefit of the age, by which you can resolve this issue of faith while on earth. The Unification Principle is an eternal gospel for the sake of the peace of humanity, brought to light through many sufferings and difficult trials. We have a great elder with us who throughout his life has willingly walked a torturous thorny path for the sake of the everlasting peace of humanity. Please pray to discover who that person is. Here in the spiritual world, I have seen him clearly, working in the human form while surrounded by brilliant light.

People of faith! The Messiah who is to come is none other than Rev. Moon, the True Parents of heaven and earth. Find out how he has lived eighty years of his life and what providential task he is moving forward at present, and you will witness a life that has been struggling the whole time for the sake of the liberation of God and humanity. If you live your earthly life with exclusive concern for your earthly well-being, you will lose your home in the world of eternity. You should not waste the precious opportunity you now have. All of you will eventually find yourselves here in the spiritual world without exception. But not just anyone can come to the eternal home here, only those who have made preparation during their life on earth. 

Please read my Confessions from the Spiritual World carefully and to the end, and study the Unification Principle. Tear down the walls of the heart and the walls of religion and prepare for your life in eternity. I, Augustine, think that this is the wisest life you can live. I transmit this message with a sincere heart. I hope that all of you can come here and meet God with joy.

Saint ‘Augustine, from Heaven June 10, 2000

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