Sunday, February 22, 2015

St. Augustine's place in the Spiritual World

St. Augustine's place in the Spiritual World

Although I was living in God's tremendous love and light, many times I failed to fully carry out God's wishes because I did not clearly understand them. So continuing my prayer in many dimensions, I made all kinds of efforts to keep the standard of always saying "Yes" to God immediately.

As this effort continued to some extent, I came to realize little by little that God is a being who stays very near to me. God helped me become mature in many ways. He sometimes appeared in a brilliant and colorful light and sometimes in a whirlwind of light. Sometimes He appeared as an evening light coming from far away and waited until I welcomed Him by calling, "God."

In fact, God is love itself. When I did not realize God's presence, that light just stayed there without motion, and when I realized that God was present, then it disappeared instantly. I realized that God is always with me only after this was repeated countless times. Afterwards, one day I prayed with tears of gratitude, saying, "God, thank you. Why do You love me so much? Why do You give me just love, when I am so dull?" Then, God embraced my whole body like warm spring sunshine and told me, "I have been with you from a long time ago, and yet you have been just you. Now that you have realized My will, go ahead and fulfill your mission. Pray to find out what your mission is.'' And then He left.

I was almost leaping with gratitude and joy. I prayed continuously in order to find my mission, saying, "God please help me. Give me the wisdom to discover my mission." But God did not directly tell me about my mission. When I prayed, I felt one thing common to every prayer: unless I totally emptied my own self before God, I could not realize God's will and teaching. I experienced that if I prayed after deeply reflecting on the statement, "You are you, so pray that you become Me," some insight would immediately dawn upon me. From this experience, I came to understand the following facts: God is clearly alive, and the living God appears to us as light. This light is not easily available to human senses, but if we unify our minds and bodies and sincerely desire and pray to be near God, He embraces us as many different forms of light. And I must make this known, and I have finally realized that this is my mission.

From that time on, I have conveyed the God of my experience in many images to many people. Now when God comes near me, I experience a kind of intense trembling. I have received from God the mission to make this known to many.

God is love. He appears to us as light. And God always stays with me. All people must discover and feel this God.

April 25, 2000

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