Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life and Confession of a Priest

People St. Augustine has met in the Spiritual World

Catholic Priests and Nuns

Life and Confession of a Priest

The Catholic worship service is much more solemn and elaborate than the Protestant service. Hence, the Catholic Church offers many opportunities to purify and evangelize human hearts through service ceremonies and sacred events. I would like to introduce a divine experience of a pure-hearted priest who lived his whole life unmarried in such an environment purely for the sake of the Lord. He said that he had chosen the religious road under heavy religious persecution and contempt from his family. He suffered in heart from his childhood and decided upon the way of religion in an urgent and acute spiritual situation. Thereafter he had no more interest in secular affairs and single-mindedly followed the spiritual path. He was all alone not only during his days as a novitiate, but also all throughout his holy mission. He was not without family members, and yet none of them cared for him or visited him. His parents and siblings had complicated relationships. His holy mission meant his living together and sharing joy and sorrow only with the Lord.

During his clerical mission, he had a radically unexpected experience. Spiritual discipline requires that you limit all your secular connections. One day, however, when he was deep in sleep, a stunning beauty came to him thoroughly naked and asked to sleep with him. Shocked, he asked her, "What is going on? Who are you?" In fact, she was a virgin who was serving a holy mission together with him in the convent attached to the same church.

What must have happened when such a thing occurred to a young man and woman?

There, they sinned before God, and after this they went their own ways. He tried to give up the path of the clergy. He struggled vehemently over the question of God's purpose in creating human beings and how much human beings must discipline themselves spiritually. His mind and body became covered with scars, and his frustration, despair, and feelings of nothingness drove him to the verge of death.

But it was in this misery that he experienced God's love. Feeling completely ruined, he was alone in a dark room, when suddenly a bright light emerged and embraced his mind and body. Comfortably wrapped in this blanket of peace and happiness, he could not tell whether it was real or a dream. From that light, a kind voice came, which said, "Jehovah God loves you.

Hence, just as Jehovah God loves you, so should you love all humanity. I gave Eve to Adam as his spouse because it was not good to behold him alone. You think that you are all by yourself, but you are not alone. Jehovah God will always be with you and love you." He spiritually renewed himself in that dreamlike happiness and cultivated his mind and body, thereby becoming a new person; now, he experienced that God's love could completely wash away his pain and beyond that the suffering and wounds of all humankind.

Thereafter, always remembering God's compassionate voice, he devoted himself to loving humanity as a clergyman. During his remaining life, he sewed the holy mission, strictly following the regulations of the monastery, and when he departed the earth and came here to the spiritual world, he experienced God's eternal and boundless love and the destined relationship between God and human beings. He also realized that celibacy is not God's original will. In other words, he came to discern with certainty that God always rejoices to behold people getting together as couples and that even God needs to be with people if He is to be happy.

God created Eve as Adam's partner, and wished that they would multiply and fill the universe.

Hence, he wondered why, then, God had given directions for celibacy. He asked God that question by making many spiritual conditions, and finally discovered God's will. He firmly realized that, while God needed a spiritual course of celibate priests and nuns before the providence was fully accomplished, His original purpose in creating humans was that Adam and Eve become a couple and multiply children, thereby establishing an ideal family, society, country, and world. So he sincerely wished that many spiritual seekers and the papacy truly discerned God's original purpose. He said emphatically, "The way of the spiritual seeker is by no means easy; however, such tribulations in our life are not God's original will." Such was this priest's conclusion.

Immediately before the reporter received this message, she had offered a prayer, whereupon a vision of a man and a woman embracing each other in the bedroom appeared to her suddenly. So she started the reporting while wondering what this vision meant.

May 9, 2000

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