Sunday, February 22, 2015

A minister experience

People St. Augustine has met in the Spiritual World

God is the Parent of All People

A minister experience

Since we human beings are born through our mother, we can easily understand our mother. Most people carry an image of their parents, which they have in common through heavenly decree. Regardless of who our parents are, we as human beings cannot escape from the problems of life, death, suffering, and joy, or the ups and downs in our life on earth. Hence, beyond our physical parents, this forces us to think about the question of the existence of God, who is the parent of all humankind. A question that we as human beings cannot but raise at least once in our earthly life is the question of God's existence.

I visited another minister to hear his experience of God. Without exception, he also had seriously agonized over such common human problems as were mentioned earlier. His parents died when he was small, and thus he grew up poor in an orphanage without being able to feel parental love. After a while, however, he was adopted by a rich family and lived a happy life with his rich parents. But he anguished over the unsolved problems of his physical parents, spiritual parents, and God's existence, and as a result he undertook theological studies. He led an uncommon life of faith and had an experience similar to that of Buddha, through which he met God.

He related that when God called him, He always said, "My son! I am your Father" instead of calling his name. The moment God called him "My son," he experienced a special comfort that he had never felt from anyone; for him, that soothing voice was warmer, happier, and more peaceful than any parents in the world could make one feel, he remembered. When he asked God, "How is it that You are my Father?" God answered, "I, God of all, am the Creator of all people and the Father of all people. This is why I am your Father, and you are My son."

Having felt the warmth and happiness of God the Father on earth, he wanted to see the real being of God the Father in the spiritual world, and made endless prayers and spiritual conditions for that purpose. He came to realize clearly, however that God cannot appear with a body, and if He could, He would not be able to appear as the Father of all people. He said that although he had studied theology for a long time on earth, he could not really feel that God was his parent. He also said that although on earth he could not believe it with certainty, his experience in the spiritual world helped him understood very clearly that God is his eternal parent. He gave an honest confession saying, My hope has come true. I am infinitely happy and blessed.

May 8, 2000

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