Sunday, February 22, 2015

Protestant Ministers

People St. Augustine has met in the Spiritual World

In my life on earth, ever since I came to know God, my life was focused in one direction. However, the God I had known on earth and the God I have met here in the spiritual world are fundamentally different; the God of my earthly experience was only a tiny part of the whole picture. I have seen that the experiences of many other saints and believers here with respect to God are almost the same as mine. Now I would like to provide an account of their experience, without mentioning names.

Protestant Ministers

God's Equal Love

When I settled down in the spiritual world, it was in a realm where I could converse with God. There, I studied continuously about God. In the course of this study, I wanted to collect stories of other people's experiences of God, and so I met a few Christian ministers.

One of them had served Christ and devoted himself solely to the ministry all through his life on earth. He said that he met God on earth, after which he experienced God's love and the Holy Spirit, and healed his own illness. He said, however, that there on earth he had had only a very vague idea about God's real existence, thinking that God exists somewhere but can never be found in finite space. He asserted, however, that he clearly saw God's existence after coming here and that most people can cure their own illnesses through the Holy Spirit. He then told me real examples of human sicknesses cured by the Holy Spirit of God. However, he continued, there are many cases of human sicknesses not cured by the Holy Spirit of God, and he thought in many different ways about the reasons for this. He explained that God's main business is not curing our diseases but embracing all of us with equal love.

Conveying his realization that God equally loves both those who are cured and those who are not cured, he explained that the former people were cured because they had more things to do on earth than in the spiritual world, and the latter people were not cured because they had more important business in the spiritual world than on earth.

According to him, although the latter people might deplore their own deaths, thinking only about their earthly life, both groups of people are equally important when seen from the standpoint of God's eternal providence. Thus, the minister's conclusion was that God's love for us couldn't be measured, judged, or expressed through ordinary standards or means.

May 1, 2000

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