Sunday, February 22, 2015

Confession of a Nun

People St. Augustine has met in the Spiritual World

Confession of a Nun

Each of us is a vessel to be prepared and offered to God during our lives. We are born with a portion, whether it is large or small, which we must offer God according to our unique characteristics. The form given to each individual at birth is an object of God's joy, for already at the time of our birth, we are given our portion to offer to God, and this is the form God created. Now, I would like to introduce the life of a nun who walked a spiritual path all throughout her life and served God with all her mind and body.

She was born to Catholic parents. Her father firmly pledged to the Holy Mother that his daughter would follow the spiritual path all her life from the moment of her birth. The rest of her family members, however, vehemently opposed her taking the spiritual path. Hence, it was amidst a serious family struggle that she started her life as a nun, and after she became a nun her parents and relatives together opposed her being a nun. They often visited her convent and attempted to persuade her to give up her spiritual pursuit and return to a normal life. Hence, her spiritual path was very turbulent.

After a long struggle in heart, she finally decided to leave the convent and return to her family. On that very day, however, the Holy Mother appeared to her and said to her with tears, "Sister! Have you forgotten the promise you made with me? When I made this promise with you, I asked God to take care of you for your whole life. No matter how hard the path may be, it must be walked by someone." Hence, she told all her family members and relatives about the appearance of the Holy Mother and pleaded with them, saying. This is the will of God. so please do not try to stop me from going this way." She then continued her serious religious life.

Although her family and relatives were deeply pained to see her take the rugged path of serving God, they promised no longer to block her way. Unlike other people, she had a special grace and mission given directly by God. Whenever she prayed to God, His Holy Spirit and light, and the Holy Mother's light of grace came to her, and God and the Holy Mother stressed the importance of her mission.

Before many fellow believers, she started doing various miracles and signs through healing by the grace of the new word. Steeped in Catholic doctrine, however, those believers stubbornly refused to accept the grace of the new word and her work of healing, thereby causing her many struggles. The Holy Mother wanted her to personally cure the pain of her fellow believers, and yet Catholic law did not accept the work of the Holy Spirit through her. This forced her to move to another convent, and her work of the new word and healing was pushed into the background. She then embarked on a very arduous life of witnessing. In her old age, she left the convent and wondered around, spreading the work of healing and the Holy Mother's new word of truth, until she concluded her earthly life and came here to the spiritual world.

Here, while living in deep love of God and the Holy Mother, she seriously repented for not having been able to convey the new truth of God correctly to many fellow believers. She surely experienced and ascertained that the love of God and the Holy Mother is truly great and can transcend anything in heaven and earth.

In the life of faith, the law exists for completing our love and not for binding us, and the restrictions of the law are not the original will of God. Now all religious seekers must stop differentiating themselves as a Catholic, Protestant, or member of some other denomination, embrace one another, and become one by respecting the uniqueness of different teachings, thereby returning to the original faith transcending religious faction.

Acknowledging that each religion shares the common root of goodness, they should uphold one truth centering on God as the only standard of good and evil. We should fundamentally change our attitude of faith, realizing that all people are brothers and sisters in God's love. We have God as the only object of our faith, and we should think deeply about how we can serve and attend God when we come to live in the eternal world. This is what she wanted to convey clearly.

Here, she always lives humbly in accordance with the directions of the Holy Mother and sometimes serves Jesus. She always tries not to deviate from her position as a nun.

To me, her attitude is so beautiful; what is more important, however is that she was bold enough to jump into the lives of her fellow believers. I earnestly hope that through her upright attitude of faith, many Protestants and Catholics can strengthen the basic spirit of faith.

May 15, 2000

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