Sunday, February 22, 2015

The life of a nun

People St. Augustine has met in the Spiritual World

The World Where the Mind and Body Become One

The life of a nun

In our life on earth, the problem of clothes, food, and shelter is important, and yet it is just for the growth of our body. You should deeply ponder what you can do for the sake of the maturation of your eternal spirit self. Actually, is not our earthly life but a grandiose dream of spring? We absolutely cannot ignore the matters of our spirit self, just because we cannot see it. Here, I would like to introduce the life of a nun who seriously concerned herself with and anguished over the maturation of her spirit self all through her life of faith.

In her life, she could not be freed from agony over the problem of the physical self and the spirit self, because she realized that following bodily demands troubled the mind, whereas going with the mind distressed the body. Unable to resolve this problem, she took the path of religious pursuit. However, even through her religious life, she could not find the answer, which made her struggle and wonder whether she should go back to the world.

She could not understand why God created human beings in such a wretched shape. One day, however she felt the warmth of God during her prayer and from heaven heard a solemn voice saying, "I am Jehovah, who is your Parent and at the same time the Parent of all humankind. Now you are living in a very narrow and momentary world, but in your future there is a world where you can live in happiness and abundance. But you do not come to this world with your body." During this time the nun was trembling.

Thereafter she stopped worrying about physical things, and with the understanding that earthly life is for maturing the spirit self, she started on a religious life in order to prepare her inner being to live in the eternal world. Although she always had to struggle over her failure to unite her mind and body, she took God's instruction to heart and devotedly carried out her spiritual self cultivation. No matter how much she tried on earth, however, she could not easily bring together her mind and body or develop her spirituality to maturity.

According to her, however, when she came here to the spiritual world, she experienced God's love, in which she could resolve the problems that had troubled her on earth. She asserts that since God's love is omnipresent and omnipotent, it can solve all human problems.

For instance, she has seen that wherever God goes, all the trees and grasses around Him make all kinds of efforts to bring Him joy according to their unique characteristics and forms, and all the people around Him looked warm, humble, peaceful, and happy, although there was no one to give them commands or to intervene in their life. All their attitudes were rooted in God's love, and like a magnificent painting, their minds and bodies were completely united. She understood that the driving force for the unity of our mind and body is God's eternal love alone, which He gave us at the time of our creation.

The disunity of our minds and bodies is a distortion of the original form of the human being. Therefore, she realized that a life of faith and spiritual cultivation are absolutely necessary for us to regain the original image. What she has discovered while observing many things here is that human beings deviated from the original image during the process of their growth.

She has clearly understood that God's infinite love is the power to overcome every hurdle and resolve every problem. We should all fully prepare for the next life in order to live there eternally in God's bosom of love. We must make efforts to nurture our inner being while we have our bodies. This was the conclusion of the nun.

May 17, 2000

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